10 July, 2012

Criticize To Escape.

"It's Easy To Criticize What You Can't Have" - A moral that comes across from the Aesop's Fables - 'The Fox And The Grapes.' Over the years this moral has gained notorious reputation, as criticism has become an integral part of everyone's psyche.

'CRITICISM' - no matter where one goes, simply can't escape it. It is sad, but true, that today criticism is the most used as a way of defense, if it can be called a defense. As soon as something is out of one's comfort zone, out comes the criticism as a shield - Anything that one can't achieve or approve off has to be sour.

An American social psychologist, Leon Festinger describes this type of behavior as a discomfort caused by holding conflicting ideas, beliefs, values or emotional reactions etc. and calls it 'Cognitive Dissonance.' The theory of cognitive dissonance proposes that people have a motivational drive to alter existing idea, add new beliefs to create an alternative belief system by reducing the importance of any one of the dissonant element.